Nunes: ‘Frustrating’ No One Is Getting to the Bottom of Fusion GPS Involvement in the Trump Tower Meeting
NUNES: “I’m assuming that the Senate numbers are so tight and so close with Republicans versus Democrats. And in the house, it’s whoever has the gavel has all the power. In the Senate, they have to have some type of agreement. I’m assuming that they believe they can — if you can believe this, they are going to take Cohen’s word, Cohen, who’s in jail, they are going to take his I think they want to bring from Jr. In from what I can tell to see if he will keep the same story or admit to whether or not he talks to his father, blah, blah, blah, about the Trump Tower meeting pick what’s very frustrating about this is that Trump fusion gps working for the Clinton campaign. What’s frustrating about all the Mueller report, and I’m not sure exactly what the Democrats and the Republicans are doing in the Senate. Nobody seems to be getting to the bottom to the involvement in the Trump Tower meeting. The Republicans, we finished our investigation and said there was no collusion? We do not control the gavels anymore. We are asking to bring people in, asking for documents. We do what we can. But it’s quite frustrating. But the bottom line to answer your question is, my guess is this is something that Warner, the democratic senator, wanted. Probably in order to close this out.”