Priebus: Ask Any Liberal To Name One Hillary Clinton Accomplishment

‘If you want to stump any liberal out there ...’

"If you wanna stump any liberal out there, asking to name one of Hillary Clinton's accomplishments, it's pretty hard to do. I don't know how Hillary takes a 3 a.m. call, Bill, if she is the president and she gets a 3 a.m. call from some person that gave millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation, how that doesn't compromise her position ...

When you're compromising yourself as secretary of state when you should be representing our country overseas but instead you're taking in millions of dollars into your own private foundation,  I don't see how that's not a big deal. In fact, I think that the media ought to demand that before she actually files her registration papers for president that she fully disclose every single nickel that's come into the Clinton Foundation, how the money got there, when it got there, who asked for the check and where the money is today ...

There's a lot of people that are involved in this and a lot of fingerprints and I wouldn't be surprised if Hillary's fingerprints are all over it."


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