David Frum on Rep. Omar: If You Don’t Know What Words Mean, Congress May Be Wrong Line of Work for You

‘You have to understand she doesn’t quite know what words mean’


MARGARET BRENNAN: And, Dave, this was red meat for Republicans, certainly, the President. He tried to label Democrats anti-Jewish.

DAVID FRUM: He— he did try that, which is certainly eyebrow— eyebrow-raising. I think what is going on here is that when you have a big intake in— in any party in a year, you— you pick up a lot of people who are ready for primetime and a lot of people who are not. And I think one of the questions that is going to face progressive Democrats is, who here wants to be inside the building making the decisions, and who wants to be outside the building carrying the placards? And that people will pick different career paths. I think you can see from the extraordinarily careful and targeted and self-effacing questioning that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez did in the co— Cohen hearings versus the unbelievably, undisciplined repeated provocative remarks of Ilhan Omar and the rather sad defenses of her by Democratic leadership, you know, you have to understand she doesn’t quite know what words mean. If you don’t know what words mean, Congress may be the line— wrong line of work for you.

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