Kurtz: Pundits Praising George H.W. Bush ‘Can’t Resist the Opportunity to Turn It into Trump Bashing’

‘This should be about Bush’


SMITH: "And you know, this is the middle of a week in which we all will be honoring the passing of our 41st president. And next week begins a new week. And we were just having this discussion here on 'America’s Newsroom' with our A-team, Howie, and how next week will shape and, you know, and how all this will come to an end. It's been nice for a few days."
KURTZ: "Yeah, it's been a nice pause in the partisan wars and President Trump has been gracious even though he has, you know, had an ongoing feud with the Bush family tweeting nice things. I have to safe that some of the pundits who were praising George H.W. Bush can’t resist the opportunity to turn it into Trump bashing. I mean 'The Washington Post' headline: 'Honorable, gracious and decent’: In death, Bush becomes a yardstick for President Trump.' And I just think this should be about Bush, the man, his legacy, his presidency, his vice presidency, everything doesn’t have to be about Trump, but some of the people who are not fans of this president just can’t resist in trying to use it to disparage the 45th president."

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