Sam Donaldson: Trump Does Not Understand a Lot of Things About Our Constitution, But the Courts Will Instruct Him
DONALDSON: “Well, the president’s order to revoke his credentials is not only wrong and unfair, it’s dangerous for the press as a whole. We all saw what happened at the news conference. There’s a group of people moving through Mexico toward our border described by people on the scene, observers who are neutral as made up of men, women, and children seeking asylum from persecution and from hardship. Well, the president has character rides them as a caravan composed of many terrorists wanting to invited United States. He sent thousand of troops to the board we are orders to repel them by force if necessary. So Acosta asked him why he called it a caravan at the news conference. The president replied, that’s my and Acosta tried to press him on what basis, what evidence he used to form that opinion. And instead of answering, President Trump lashed out with a vicious personal attack on Acosta. And then ordered his press credentials revoked. Now, if that order isn’t reversed by the courts, what reporter, what news organization would risk the retaliation of the White House by asking questions or publishing stories that the president doesn’t like? The courts must reverse that order and I’m sure they will.”