Hannity: ‘Make No Mistake, There Are No Moderates Left in the Democratic Party; This Is a Party of Radical Extremists’

‘Any moderates have long been driven out into extinction’


HANNITY: “Four days until the important midterm elections. Ask yourself this question. Is President Trump delivering on his promises, is he keeping his word? You can see 11 cities, 11 states and fighting for every vote. Crisscrossing the country at the speed of Trump, on behalf of the policies that are working for that forgotten men and women. Because every objective economic measure, you look at it and we are better off. Meanwhile, Democrats, no plan to make your life better. They offered nothing but daily hate, division and obstruction. They want higher taxes and more regulation, more Obamacare, more open borders and more sanctuary cities. They obstruct religious justices that believe in the Constitution. They want to go back to the phony Trump-Russia collusion claims. Ask yourself, how is any of this agenda going to improve your life? Make no mistake, there are no moderates left in the Democratic Party today. This is a party of radical extremists and any moderates have long been driven out into extinction. Every Democrat you elect votes as a block based on the direction of Chuck Schumer in the Senate, Nancy Pelosi in the House. In the Senate, a Montana Democrat, incumbent, Jon Tester. He votes with Chucky Schumer 87 percent of the time. By the way, Montana voted for Trump. By the way, he calls himself a moderate, he’s anything but. He’s Chuck Schumer, except he lives in Montana."

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