Max Boot: Trump, Republican Party, Fox News Are Increasing Our Sectarian Divisions

‘We will never see Donald Trump be presidential’


HILL: "One of the other things that you point out here in terms of that dangerous rhetoric and I just want to make sure I get this right. But you talked about It used to be that we would settle our differences through debate followed by voting. When do we get back to that? Because that seems to have been thrown out the window."
BOOT: "That’s a great question. I mean, I think we're -- we're -- there's a real danger that we're spinning off the rails and a lot is I think being done by Donald Trump, by other Republicans, by Fox News deliberately because they see this as a way to gain votes or Fox News to gain viewers. And they are essentially increasing our sectarian divisions instead of bringing us together. They are dividing us rather than uniting us. And in Donald’s case, it’s a very deliberate political strategy. This is how he mobilizes his base with this fear mongering, this hysteria.”

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