Menendez: Republicans Held Scalia’s Seat Open for Nearly a Year So There’s No Reason To Ram Kavanaugh Through

‘There isn’t a Cinderella moment here’


BLITZER: "From your perspective, what needs to happen for you to trust the findings of this FBI investigation this week?"

MENENDEZ: "Well, Wolf, it needs to be a full, thorough investigation. I mean, look, this investigation should have been called for before — once the allegations were already raised by Dr. Ford, and anything that followed on. So there isn’t a Cinderella moment here. Nothing is going to happen to the Supreme Court. The Republicans held up a seat when Justice Scalia passed away for nearly a year. So there is no reason to ram this through. There is every reason for the integrity of the court, for all of those who are sexual assault survivors and even for Judge Kavanaugh if he wants to have an opportunity to truly know what it is that transpired and he doesn’t fear anything, he knows all of the truth, then the truth would set him free. That means that there should be a full investigation of all of the allegations that have been raised and whatever other witnesses follow on as a result of the discussion or the interviews of those witnesses."

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