Sen. Hirono: ‘Everybody Acknowledges’ that ‘Dr. Ford Is Not Politically Motivated’
STEPHANOPOULOS: "I want to begin with picking up on what you just heard from senator graham. He's saying there will be an investigation of the Democrats and how you handled Dr. Christine blasey Ford."
HIRONO: "Again, they're not focusing on the credibility or the -- these credible reports. And it's all about why did somebody wait so long and all of that. The crux of the matter is, that these are serious allegations. And we have been calling for an FBI investigation for what seems like months. These are not normal times. Under normal times, in a situation like this, there would be an FBI report. We would have access to all the documents we should get with regard to the nominee. Not just 10% of the documents. Under normal times, we would be able to ask questions of the relevant witnesses, such as mark judge. And you know, under normal times, the senators would be asking their own questions rather than hiring a prosecutor as though this is some kind of a criminal case to go after the person who came forward bravely to tell us the truth of her experience."
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