Trump: I’m Going to Mention the Election Meddling When I Meet with Putin

‘Why didn’t the FBI take’ the DNC’s server?


BARTIROMO: "Are you going to mention the meddling when you meet with the Russian president?"
TRUMP: "I would like to see some answers as to why we didn’t take the server, why the FBI didn’t take the server from the DNC."
BARTIROMO: "The DNC wanted to give it to a private company. They didn’t want to give it to the FBI."
TRUMP: "Why didn’t the FBI take it? Look what they did to other people. Why didn’t they take it? How can the DNC say get out of here. They threw them out of the office."
BARTIROMO: "The same people running both investigations. That’s why."
TRUMP: "Did you ever see a difference in two investigations?"
BARTIROMO: "Huge difference, Mr. President."
TRUMP: "The difference here this one did nothing wrong, no collusion, no nothing. The other one — I’m not saying one way or the other, but you go back, how about the e-mails deleting 33,000 e-mails? We don’t even have to talk about the uranium and all the different — just tell me, you get a subpoena. And after getting the subpoena from the United States Congress, right? People go to jail for doing it on a civil case. They delete 33,000 e-mails. 
BARTIROMO: "Some of them got immunity."
TRUMP: "Before the FBI even walked in, they are walking in and say you have — by the way, keep your laptops and then they even say destroy your laptops or something? In a week or something you can destroy your laptops?"

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