Rep Hank Johnson: IG Report Found No Wrongdoing, But Today We’re Having a Hearing
JOHNSON: "Okay, all right. Thank you. Gentlemen, I appreciate your service. I've been impressed with your diligence and honesty and integrity in this very difficult environment that we find ourselves in. Basically it's a situation where the majority is hurting this country. We're hurting our country with what we are doing today. What we're doing today is holding an emergency hearing a so-called emergency hearing based on allegations that political influence or political bias within the F.B.I. And the D.O.J. Has somehow led to an illegitimate result in the Hillary Clinton email investigation. That is an investigation that was conducted originally. It was conducted by the F.B.I. And D.O.J. No criminal charges filed. Investigation closed. Then there was an inspector general's investigation of that investigation. Those reports or that report was issued last week. It found that there was no wrongdoing in the investigation of the investigation. And now today we have an investigation of the investigation of the investigation. And it is an emergency situation. Also a part of this hearing is an attempt to investigate the ongoing criminal investigation into the allegations and indications of collusion and perhaps conspiracy with Russians in the conducting of the 2016 presidential election. And what the Republicans are trying to do is force the F.B.I. And D.O.J. To turn over to this committee investigating the investigators information, documents that go to the heart of the criminal investigation. It's been my experience that the criminal investigators never turn over information. They are never even asked to turn over information in an ongoing criminal investigation. Can you both comment on the uniqueness of what is happening today and the danger that it poses to justice in this country?"