Ralph Peters: Fox News Has ‘Turned into a Destructive Propaganda Machine’ for the Trump Admin

‘This is a lawless administration’

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RUSH EXCERPT:                 
PETERS: “The age of Trump. For many years Fox whatever you may think of it, it was a legitimate and indeed necessary outlet for conservative and libertarian views. But in the age of Trump it’s turned into a destructive propaganda machine for the Trump Administration. And I had to leave. I had no choice. Because as a military officer, Ari, I took an oath, a solemn oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. In my view, Fox, again, in the age of Trump, has been attacking our constitutional order by attacking the rule of law, the Justice Department, the FBI, the court system, and the Intel agencies. I’m — this is a lawless administration. Lawless. A president who does not understand our country, doesn’t understand our system of government, and doesn’t care or want to understand it. And so for me, it was ethically impossible to remain. And that does not mean that everybody at fox is evil. There are a lot of good hard working people especially on the hard news side.”

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