FBI’s Wray Announces All Agents Will Be Ordered to Undergo Bias Training

‘That includes drilling home the importance of objectivity, of avoiding even the appearance of personal conflicts or critical bias in our work’


WRAY: "We are going to train every single FBI employee, both new hires and veterans alike, on what went wrong so these mistakes will never be repeated. Third, going to make sure we have policies, the procedures in the training that are needed for everyone to understand, and remember, what is expected of all of us. That includes drilling home the importance of objectivity, of avoiding even the appearance of personal conflicts or critical bias in our work. Ensuring that refusals are handled correctly and effectively and communicated to all the right people. Making all of our employees fully aware of our new policy on media contacts which are issued last November, and making painfully clear that we will not tolerate noncompliance. Ensuring that we follow all doj policies on public statements about uncharged conduct or ongoing investigations."

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