Feinstein: ‘Big Mistake’ for Trump to Walk Away from the G-7, Not Sign Communique

‘I understand the President was upset’


TAPPER: "I want to get to North Korea in a second, but I wonder what your response is, Larry Kudlow saying this is all Justin Trudeau’s fault, he shouldn’t have come out and delivered what kudlow called an amateur political stunt, talking about the U.S. Doing things that are inappropriate in terms of threatened tariffs an president Trump pulling out of the communique is Trudeau’s fault."
FEINSTEIN: "The way I look at it, this wasn’t just with Trudeau. This is with our seven best allies. And it seems to me not to sign a statement of solidarity which stands for everything that we stand for is a big mistake. I understand the president was upset. The president could have said that. But to walk away from our allies in this way I think is a mistake."

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