Gruber in 2012: ‘Dirty Secret’ About RomneyCare, We Figured out Way to ‘Rip off’ Feds

Yet Another Video of ObamaCare Architect Jonathan Gruber Is Making the Rounds — This Time He Brags About a ‘Dirty Secret’ (The Blaze)

Ever since video emerged of Obamacare “architect” Jonathan Gruber bragging that the “stupidity of the American voter” helped get Obamacare passed, the MIT professor’s past statements have been under intense scrutiny.

Yet another video emerged on Thursday showing Gruber bragging about the “dirty secret in Massachusetts” at a Noblis Technology event in 2012.

“The dirty secret in Massachusetts is the feds paid for our bill, OK? In Massachusetts, we had a very powerful Senator you may know. His name is Ted Kennedy,” Gruber said. “Ted Kennedy had basically figured out – Ted Kennedy and smart people in Massachusetts -  had figured out a way to rip off the Feds for $400 million a year.”

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