Ned Price: My Hope Is Gina Haspel Will Tell Senators She Will Put Her Foot Down if Ordered to Torture Again
MITCHELL: "She’s the first covert division leader since the 1970s, actually, since William Colby, to be nominated to direct the agency. There are stories, some comparing her to Carrie Mathison, stories of adventures and dangers overseas. Is that realistic?is that who this woman is?"
PRICE: "Well she -- she’s brave, she is courageous, but I think more important to this role she is an able leader, she is someone who has the respect and the confidence of the workforce. And just as you said in speaking with the senator, she is someone who is not political. She is someone who will lead the agency according to the Constitution, for the United States of America and for the CIA. I think she will do an admirable job doing that, and I think she will speak truth to power. I have always known her, I’ve heard her to be a person who speaks truth to power. And my hope is she’ll be able to tell senators if she’s ordered to go down this dark road once again, she would put her foot down and say no, she would not do that, she will resign."