ABC’s Dowd: ‘Morality’ of the Shutdown Is Awful

‘If that doesn’t tell you all about the lack of moral leadership, it should’


DOWD: "I know we’re talking about the politics, but to me the morality of this thing is awful. The morality of what’s going on. So, not only do we have 800,000 kids who have now grown into — you are given a promise by our government. That we would do this. They were given a promise. So, we’re reneging on the promise. We’ve got 9 million kids that are associated with CHIP that we’re not dealing with. Not only do we have the military who are suffering in the middle of the shutdown, take that, but take also the CDC is suffering a shutdown in the midst of a flu crisis that we have, and a symbolism that you mentioned, earlier the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island is shut down today. If that doesn’t tell you all about the lack of moral leadership, it should."

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