Scarborough: ‘Vladimir Putin Has Something on Donald Trump’

‘There is a method to that madness, it’s what dictators use’

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SCARBOROUGH: "2,000 lies by the latest count in 'Washington Post' fact-checker, that's over five a day. And you keep this steady stream up so much that soon populations, religious leaders, civic leaders, editorial writers, newspaper editors, he hopes TV hosts, become numb to it. And so when something like this comes out, they just ignore it. You see, that’s the thing, this is a small compared to the biggest truth that Donald Trump doesn’t want out. And it’s the truth we’ve been asking about since January — I’m sorry, make that December of 2015. And that is that Vladimir Putin has something on Donald Trump. Let me say it again, because there’s been a lot of noise from Donald Trump over the past year, since he’s been president. Vladimir Putin has something that he is holding over Donald Trump’s head, and it is bad. We started asking that question in December of 2015, two years ago, when Donald Trump was defending Vladimir Putin for assassinating journalists. Donald Trump was defending Vladimir Putin for assassinating political leaders in his own country. Donald Trump was defending Vladimir Putin for all the things he did."

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