Dershowitz: Martha’s Vineyard Woman Wanted to ‘Stab Me Through the Heart,’ Challenges Scarborough to Debate

‘Let’s see if [Scarborough] has the guts to put me on the show so I can tell his viewers the truth’

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Harvard Professor Alan Dershowitz said a Martha's Vineyard woman recently threatened to "stab me in through the heart" after he argued Special Counsel Mueller is violating President Trump's civil rights.

"But it's backfiring," Dershowitz said. In trying to ostracize him from polite society, these "hard left radicals" are only helping Trump.

After reporting he had received a cold shoulder during a recent visit to Martha's Vineyard among his former liberal friends, MSNBC's Joe Scarborough mock Dershowitz, suggesting that by questioning Mueller's legal authority, Dershowitz was "doing Putin's bidding." 

Dershowitz unsurprisingly took strong exception.

"I hate Vladimir Putin," Dershowitz said. "I hate what he stands for. I hate tyranny anywhere in the world. I’m not doing the bidding of President Trump. I opposed Donald Trump's immigration policy, his approach to Charlottesville, and when I have an opportunity, I tell him that."

Dershowitz singled out an MIT professor, Nicholas Negroponte, as being the organizer of the campaign against him on Martha's Viney.

But, Dershowitz said, "The vast majority of people, even in Martha’s Vineyard, can’t stand people that who try to stop speech and debate, so it’s backfiring. But the other point that’s very important, is they did this to try to hurt me, but the end result is they are helping Donald Trump. They are strengthening Donald Trump’s hand. The people that try to shun me are giving Donald Trump and his base an argument about what the radicals are doing."

Dershowitz then called out Joe Scarborough, challenging him to an in-person debate.

"By the way, I challenge Morning Joe to have me on the show when he mocks me so I can respond," Dershowitz challenged. "It’s easy, and kind of unfair, to attack someone and not give them the opportunity to respond. Let’s see if he has the guts to put me on the show so I can tell his viewers the truth."

Here's a transcript of the exchange:

SCARBOROUGH: "He’s upset because doing the bidding of Donald Trump and by extension of Vladimir Putin by attacking Robert Mueller III, he’s not allowed to come to the trendiest clam bakes without feeling a cold shoulder."
CARLSON: "Professor Alan Dershowitz joins us tonight. Professor Dershowitz, to start with a factual question: Are you doing the bidding of Vladimir Putin?"
DERSHOWITZ: "Of course not. I hate Vladimir Putin. I hate what he stands for. I hate tyranny anywhere in the world. I’m not doing the bidding of President Trump. I opposed Donald Trump's immigration policy, his approach to Charlottesville, and when I have an opportunity, I tell him that. I’m making the same arguments about civil liberties I've made for 50 years, and that I would be making had Hillary Clinton been elected and people tried to impeach her. But, you know people talk about parties as if that's something serious, I don't care about parties anyway, I'm invited to too many -- but at a party this week on Martha’s Vineyard said, "If Dershowitz were here tonight, I would stab him through the heart!" This is a Martha’s Vineyard woman saying she would stab me through the heart. Another Martha's Vineyarder, a professor at MIT, Professor Nicholas Negroponte, who has previously said he wished there was no New York Times and he wished that people only got the news that represented their own personal worldviews, so they wouldn't hear opposing points of view, the same guy who said soon there will be a pill that you can swallow and you learn French overnight, so you won't have to go through the process of learning French. He’s leading the campaign to try to get other people to shun me in every day, and not to engage with me. Now they are losing. The vast majority of people, even in Martha’s Vineyard, can’t stand people that who try to stop speech and debate, so it’s backfiring. But the other point that’s very important, is they did this to try to hurt me, but the end result is they are helping Donald Trump. They are strengthening Donald Trump’s hand. The people that try to shun me are giving Donald Trump and his base an argument about what the radicals are doing. I have one point to correct from what you said; I don’t think what you are describing is a liberal phenomenon. I'm a liberal. I think it’s a hard left, radical phenomenon. I think liberals still support free speech. Liberals still support due process but the Democratic Party and the left has been taken over by radicals who have no interest in due process. They're like Negroponte; they only want their truth to prevail. They don’t want any dissent. They don't want any argument. It’s happening on university campuses. And when you have professors like Negroponte giving the students the lesson, it’s okay not to engage, not to talk to people that you disagree with, it’s a terrible reflection of what is going on in the United States of America. Put aside Martha's Vineyard, put aside clam bakes and what Morning Joe was saying. By the way, I challenge Morning Joe to have me on the show when he mocks me so I can respond. It’s easy, and kind of unfair, to attack someone and not give them the opportunity to respond. Let’s see if he has the guts to put me on the show so I can tell his viewers the truth."

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