Tucker: Replacing Ungrateful Citizens with Obedient Immigrants Is Dems’ Only Hope To Avoid Becoming a Permanent Minority

‘Having abandoned the concerns of the middle class here, they need millions of new voters and they need them fast’

CARLSON: "Good evening, and welcome to tucker Carlson tonight. It is now clear that for many of our elected leaders it’s not even worth having a country if that country comes with real borders. The federal government, you may have heard, is on the brink of shutting down tomorrow if Congress can’t come to an agreement on funding it the main stumbling block remains DACA. That’s of course president Obama’s program that gives worker permits to illegal immigrants who came here as minors. Almost all Democrats and many Republicans pushing for amnesty for DACA recipients. There is a striking fanaticism to their position. Illegal immigrants must be kept in this country at all costs no matter what. For Democrats, it’s understandable because the calculus is simple. Having abandoned the concerns of the middle class here they need millions of new voters and they need them fast, otherwise their party risks becoming a permanent minority. Replacing ungrateful citizens with owed bead yet immigrants is their only hope. Any Democrat that’s thought it through for even a minnows this well." 

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