Jill Wine-Banks: ‘The President Should Be Panicking’ About Michael Flynn

‘I’m assuming that Flynn knows a great deal, because that’s the only way I can explain the enormous efforts that President Trump made on his behalf to protect him’


WINE-BANKS: "The president should be panicking. I’m assuming that Flynn knows a great deal, because that’s the only way I can explain the enormous efforts that president Trump made on his behalf to protect him. And so that’s why he should be worried. What Flynn would have to do is go to the special prosecutor and say, I want to make a proffer of evidence. This is what I would tell you if we can come to an agreement. That proffer would be made protected. It couldn’t be used against him. Unless they reach a deal. Then he would have to convince the prosecutor, he has enough information to make it worthwhile, excusing his liability and giving him some sort of immunity so he can cooperate. That means either the president is in his target or the president’s son or son in law. Those would be the most likely people that Flynn could provide evidence against."

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