John Kirby: ‘Reckless’ for Trump to Toss out Phrases Like ‘Calm Before the Storm’
KIRBY: "First of all, it’s reckless for the commander-in-chief to be tossing out phrases like 'calm before the storm.' But I also think you have to put this in context of this was a social setting. You could see that all those military leaders had their spouses there. This is a yearly thing. It’s not at all about doing business. As I watch that clip and I have seen it several times this morning, Chris, and you look at that smug look on the President’s face and you can tell that what he’s really doing is just wrapping himself in the glory of being surrounded by all these senior military people and showing he’s the boss and the commander-in-chief. I'm actually not going to go out on a limb. I don't think it's going out on a limb to say there’s probably no big storm coming from a military perspective, he was simply trying to show off."
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