Klobuchar: Bump Stocks Convert Semi-Auto Rifles into Machine Guns and Should Be Banned
KLOBUCHAR: "The fact that these bump-stocks are legal when in fact they do something illegal, they convert a semi-automatic into an automatic or machine gun, and that’s what they do and they should be banned. The guy had a dozen of them in a hotel room, and by the way, none of those innocent people, over 500 injured. 59 killed, could have protected themselves by shooting up to a 32nd floor hotel room. So, there are a number of us, including some Republicans that have supported sensible background checks in addition to banning things like bump-stocks. I’m hopeful we’ll be able to take action. There’s an opening here, and it’s time to do something sensible. The narrow is to get at what just happened, but you also could look at revisiting the background check issue which is a gun show loophole."
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