NYC Council Speaker: Trump Lobbed Paper Towels at Puerto Ricans Like They Were ‘Animals’
NYC Council Speaker: Trump Lobbed Paper Towels at Puerto Ricans Like They Were ‘Animals’ (Mediaite)
One part of President Donald Trump’s Tuesday trip to Puerto Rico that got a lot of attention was video footage of the president handing out supplies to hurricane victims. During the photo-op, Trump was seen tossing rolls of paper towels into the crowd, an action that struck many as out-of-touch considering the ongoing humanitarian crisis.
One person who was absolutely appalled by the image of Trump launching the paper towel rolls was New York City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito. Appearing on MSNBC’s The Last Word, the Puerto Rican-born councilwoman told host Lawrence O’Donnell that the president’s visit “was an utter disgrace” while noting that the Puerto Rican governor had become an apologist for the “administration’s lack of seriousness to this crisis.”
After saying Trump needs to be called out for not taking the situation seriously, Mark-Viverito brought up the paper towel moment.