Carlson: Eliminating Expenses on Illegal Immigration Could Pay for Tuition Free College
CARLSON: "One of the most striking features of the debate over immigration in America is the fact that it's not much of a debate. You will notice the failure, indeed the refusal of our elites to grapple with what exactly it means to allow millions of low skilled workers from around the world to move here. When it comes to details about that that quote the statue of liberty and they move on quickly. They don't really want to know much about the effects of their policies. Maybe they really believe that every immigrant is a high school valedictorian or some world crest stem talent who is only prevented by founding apple or curing cancer by the biggest tree. Either way, facts rarely enter into the conversation. It's wholly emotional. Facts matter in Senate we have some. Under study for the of American immigration reform finds that this country's approximately 11 million immigrants cost taxpayers about $135 billion per year and medical, education and law enforcement expenses. There is an offset to this, taxes. According to the study, these illegal immigrants pay only about 19 billion a year in taxes. That leaves a deficit which you pay of 116 billion. Even by Washington standards that's a huge number. To put it into some perspective Americans spend only about 70 billion every year paying tuition at public colleges and universities. If you eliminate the expenses of illegal immigrants we could make every public college in the country tuition-free and still have nearly $50 billion left over to, I don't know, fix decaying infrastructure or subsidize health insurance for the middle class or probably a lot more."