MSNBC’s Watts on Possible Use of AR-15: ‘Perpetrators Outmatch the Law Enforcement’

‘Meaning that we have high-powered rifles that are out there or AR-15s, which are much more advanced than the handguns that you would typically see’


WATTS: “One of the challenges right now, and we should, you know, use some caution. It sounds like the shooter definitely had a rifle. We don’t know that it’s an AR-15. But what we -- what we should look at is oftentimes now perpetrators outmatch the law enforcement officers, meaning that we have high-powered rifles that are out there or AR-15s, which are much more advanced than the handguns that you would typically see or -- or -- or possibly a shotgun that might be in the car. So this puts, you know, law enforcement security people in a precarious situation. Should an incident happen like this, even with a handgun, you’re -- you're -- you're standing off against somebody with a rifle, you’ve got to get much closer to actually land a shot against somebody like this. What’s also interesting is it seems like there were lots of witnesses reporting though that there was a very quick response." 

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