Judge Nap: We Have a President Who Was Victimized by Surveillance So We May Have a Constitutional Outcome

‘A lot of people should be jumping on it’


EARHARDT: "If this happened under the Trump administration what would be the outcome."
NAPOLITANO: "Well obviously it would be the horrific. But there's a little of a bright lining to this cloud. The -- the statute that authorizes this expires at the end of this year."
DOOCY: "Mm-hmm."
NAPOLITANO: "So it will be up for reauthorization and it will be, I think, a great debate about it in the fall. For the first time we have somebody in the White House who was personally victimized by this --"
EARHARDT: "Mm-hmm."
NAPOLITANO: "-- so the outcome might be more faithful to the Constitution than the outcomes the last time this was debated."

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