PERSON: Ralph Peters
Writer, Military Analyst
Ralph Peters is a retired Army lieutenant colonel and former enlisted man, a controversial strategist and veteran of the intelligence world; a bestselling, prize-winning novelist; a journalist who has covered multiple conflicts and appears frequently in the broadcast media; and a lifelong traveler with experience in over seventy countries on six continents.
A widely read columnist, Ralph Peters’ journalism has appeared in dozens of newspapers, magazines and web-zines, including The New York Post, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, the Washington Post, Newsweek, Harpers, and Armchair General Magazine. His books include The Officers’ Club, The War After Armageddon, Endless War, and Red Army. Peters grew up in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, and studied writing at Pennsylvania State University. He lives and writes in the Washington, D.C. area.
A widely read columnist, Ralph Peters’ journalism has appeared in dozens of newspapers, magazines and web-zines, including The New York Post, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, the Washington Post, Newsweek, Harpers, and Armchair General Magazine. His books include The Officers’ Club, The War After Armageddon, Endless War, and Red Army. Peters grew up in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, and studied writing at Pennsylvania State University. He lives and writes in the Washington, D.C. area.
ClipsBank (409)

09/30/2019: Ralph Peters on Trump Tweet Invoking Civil War: This Is Sedition; The Irony of a Draft Dodger Talking Up War (clip)
Views: 0
Purchases: 0

09/30/2019: Ralph Peters on Trump Tweet Invoking Civil War: This Is Sedition; The Irony of a Draft Dodger Talking Up War (clip)
Views: 2
Purchases: 0

09/30/2019: Ralph Peters on Trump Tweet Invoking Civil War: This Is Sedition; The Irony of a Draft Dodger Talking Up War
Views: 5
Purchases: 2

07/29/2019: Ralph Peters Blasts Trump’s DNI Nominee as Unqualified: ‘You’re Gonna Put a Monkey in There?’
Views: 581
Purchases: 1

04/19/2019: Ralph Peters Says Mueller Report Is Not the End: Why Is Trump ‘So Slavishly Subordinate’ to Putin?
Views: 88
Purchases: 0

03/26/2019: Ralph Peters Rips Trump Over Behavior Towards Putin, Says 2016 Election Was Between ‘Lucifer and Satan’
Views: 1
Purchases: 0

03/19/2019: Ralph Peters on Trump’s Latest McCain Attack: It’s a Classic Case of Male Inadequacy
Views: 2
Purchases: 0

01/07/2019: Ralph Peters on Trump: Even Children Don’t Lie with This Alacrity
Views: 4
Purchases: 0
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