PERSON: Janis Sunderhaus


Health Partners of Western Ohio


Janis Sunderhaus, MSN, RN, NEA-BC , is Chief Executive Officer at Health Partners of Western Ohio (Health Partners) an organization that operates eleven Federally Qualified Health Centers in Western Ohio. She has been instrumental in developing the integrated approach to care which includes offering primary medical, dental, behavioral health, substance abuse treatment, chiropractic care, and clinical and dispensing pharmacy services to over 27,000 low-income residents. Working with local partners, Janis led the establishment of three sites serving the special primary care needs for people living with severe mental illness and substance abuse. Health Partners is one of the few health centers nationally that offers medication assisted treatment for the person suffering with opiate addiction. To address the special needs of low-income children, three school-based health centers have been established under Janis’ direction. She has been active in Health Resources and Services Administration’s (HRSA) Patient Safety and Clinical Pharmacy Services Collaborative since 2008 where HPWO is a recognized as a “Certified Gold Team” and also serve4s as a HRSA 340B Peer-to-Peer mentor. Janis has participated in multiple state task forces that focus on developing pipeline programs to assure that adequate primary care providers are available to meet the needs of underserved populations. This involvement led to the establishment a PGY1 Community Pharmacy Residency in 2010 and a Dental Residency Program in 2013 within HPWO. Janis is a founding member of the West Central Ohio Health Information Exchange and is on the Advisory Board for the Ohio Health Information Partnership. Janis serves as the co-chair of the Activate Allen County Leadership Team and the Centers for Disease Control’s Partnership to Improve Community Health. She is active in the Ohio Association of Community Health Centers and the Midwest Clinician’s Network. Prior to the establishment of Health Partners, Janis was a community outreach nurse to a low income community, and received multiple awards for her work. She earned her master’s degree in nursing administration from the University of Phoenix, and her undergraduate in nursing at The Ohio State University.

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