Chris Valletta Appears on FNC’s ‘Outnumbered’ To Discuss Student Loans
Fox News Channel (FNC)

Name: Fox News Channel (FNC)

Name: Outnumbered
Tammy Bruce
, Kayleigh McEnany
, Chris Valletta

Name: Tammy Bruce
Employment: Self-employed
Position: Host of The Tammy Bruce Show, New York Times bestselling author, blogger, Fox News Political Contributor and columnist at The Washington Times

Name: Kayleigh McEnany
Employment: Fox News
Position: Host

Name: Chris Valletta
Employment: SideKick Operators
Position: President
Event location
Original recording
01/19/2024 02:33 pm
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RUSH TRANSCRIPT Middle East ░░░░░░░░ us top of the ░░░░░░░░ Kayleigh breaking news sources ░░░░░░░░ Fox News former presidential ░░░░░░░░ Tim Scott is set ░░░░░░░░ endorse former President Trump ░░░░░░░░ today New York Times ░░░░░░░░ reporting Trump and his ░░░░░░░░ have been banking on ░░░░░░░░ s endorsement ahead of ░░░░░░░░ Hampshire s presidential primary ░░░░░░░░ comes after former competitors ░░░░░░░░ and Vivek Ramaswamy endorsed ░░░░░░░░ Trump and notably this ░░░░░░░░ would come ahead of ░░░░░░░░ Hampshire and ahead of ░░░░░░░░ Carolina Of course the ░░░░░░░░ state of Nikki Haley ░░░░░░░░ home state of senator ░░░░░░░░ Scott a meaningful and ░░░░░░░░ endorsement that might give ░░░░░░░░ President Trump a tailwind ░░░░░░░░ he heads into Nikki ░░░░░░░░ s home state of ░░░░░░░░ Carolina We ll watch ░░░░░░░░ news Emily this According ░░░░░░░░ new survey student loan ░░░░░░░░ are boycotting debt payments ░░░░░░░░ quarter of respondents have ░░░░░░░░ zero payments in 2023 ░░░░░░░░ that quarter 10 say ░░░░░░░░ are holding off indefinitely ░░░░░░░░ on Biden bailing them ░░░░░░░░ the White House just ░░░░░░░░ they are cancelling debt ░░░░░░░░ additional 74 000 student ░░░░░░░░ borrowers that is a ░░░░░░░░ loan giveaway That brings ░░░░░░░░ total bailout to whopping ░░░░░░░░ billion dollars Biden continues ░░░░░░░░ tout cancellation crusade saying ░░░░░░░░ today in the wake ░░░░░░░░ the Supreme Court decision ░░░░░░░░ student debt relief program ░░░░░░░░ continue to pursue alternative ░░░░░░░░ to deliver student debt ░░░░░░░░ to as many borrowers ░░░░░░░░ possible quickly as possible ░░░░░░░░ we are trying to ░░░░░░░░ as many votes as ░░░░░░░░ as possible Tammy it ░░░░░░░░ like a quiet quitting ░░░░░░░░ pain Message from the ░░░░░░░░ House and government is ░░░░░░░░ you were robbed what ░░░░░░░░ paid for is just ░░░░░░░░ good why would you ░░░░░░░░ getting a refund You ░░░░░░░░ other people not having ░░░░░░░░ pay I don t ░░░░░░░░ a job or don ░░░░░░░░ like my life or ░░░░░░░░ studies is not giving ░░░░░░░░ the future I want ░░░░░░░░ will not pace either ░░░░░░░░ becomes a mob and ░░░░░░░░ to reverse Emily I ░░░░░░░░ I had that dishonest ░░░░░░░░ quitting bone I pay ░░░░░░░░ bills and I pay ░░░░░░░░ bills of these guys ░░░░░░░░ through on Biden s ░░░░░░░░ because Biden wants to ░░░░░░░░ their votes Kayleigh guys ░░░░░░░░ lawn business is paying ░░░░░░░░ people without a college ░░░░░░░░ it is unjust and ░░░░░░░░ You heard Kamala Harris ░░░░░░░░ the view interview say ░░░░░░░░ loan student loan to ░░░░░░░░ back progressives and young ░░░░░░░░ Biden promised them 10 ░░░░░░░░ each and got short ░░░░░░░░ that but saying look ░░░░░░░░ me I m your ░░░░░░░░ choice come November Emily ░░░░░░░░ is a president and ░░░░░░░░ who every chance they ░░░░░░░░ touts getting a phd ░░░░░░░░ degree from Ivy League ░░░░░░░░ collar jobs and labor ░░░░░░░░ are suffering They put ░░░░░░░░ support into this elite ░░░░░░░░ and they say don ░░░░░░░░ worry we ll pay ░░░░░░░░ tuition too Chris what ░░░░░░░░ unique and talking about ░░░░░░░░ message to students talk ░░░░░░░░ the definition of the ░░░░░░░░ cancelling no such thing ░░░░░░░░ cancelling student loan debt ░░░░░░░░ is a tax on ░░░░░░░░ people and you will ░░░░░░░░ to repay some day ░░░░░░░░ have debt in the ░░░░░░░░ States enough to give ░░░░░░░░ man woman and child ░░░░░░░░ 000 each We cannot ░░░░░░░░ debt We can come ░░░░░░░░ with creative ways to ░░░░░░░░ it new programs we ░░░░░░░░ be cancelling ourselves into ░░░░░░░░ We have to wake ░░░░░░░░ Juke American taxpayer is ░░░░░░░░ the bill for this ░░░░░░░░ don t you just ░░░░░░░░ college free Slap in ░░░░░░░░ face to poor middle ░░░░░░░░ income families that couldn ░░░░░░░░ afford college and did ░░░░░░░░ to go in lines ░░░░░░░░ work They wanted to ░░░░░░░░ the American dream and ░░░░░░░░ t afford it Like ░░░░░░░░ immigrants that wait in ░░░░░░░░ and legal immigrants now ░░░░░░░░ advantage of this and ░░░░░░░░ own American population is ░░░░░░░░ slapped in the face ░░░░░░░░ about buyers remorse he ░░░░░░░░ hold on to his ░░░░░░░░ he
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