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Search results (11)
Schumer: ‘If We Going to Eliminate the Waste, Fraud and Abuse in Medicare, It Does Mean We’re Going to Cut Some of that Out’ (clip)
02/25/2010: Schumer: ‘If We Going to Eliminate the Waste, Fraud and Abuse in Medicare, It Does Mean We’re Going to Cut Some of that Out’ (clip)
Views: 0
Purchases: 0
Nancy Pelosi: We Cannot Keep Our Promises on Medicare Unless We Cut Out the Waste, Fraud, and Abuse (clip) (clip) (clip)
02/25/2010: Nancy Pelosi: We Cannot Keep Our Promises on Medicare Unless We Cut Out the Waste, Fraud, and Abuse (clip) (clip) (clip)
Views: 0
Purchases: 0
Nancy Pelosi: We Cannot Keep Our Promises on Medicare Unless We Cut Out the Waste, Fraud, and Abuse (clip)
02/25/2010: Nancy Pelosi: We Cannot Keep Our Promises on Medicare Unless We Cut Out the Waste, Fraud, and Abuse (clip)
Views: 0
Purchases: 0
Schumer: ‘If We Going to Eliminate the Waste, Fraud and Abuse in Medicare, It Does Mean We’re Going to Cut Some of that Out’ (clip)
02/25/2010: Schumer: ‘If We Going to Eliminate the Waste, Fraud and Abuse in Medicare, It Does Mean We’re Going to Cut Some of that Out’ (clip)
Views: 9
Purchases: 0
Nancy Pelosi: We Cannot Keep Our Promises on Medicare Unless We Cut Out the Waste, Fraud, and Abuse (clip) (clip)
02/25/2010: Nancy Pelosi: We Cannot Keep Our Promises on Medicare Unless We Cut Out the Waste, Fraud, and Abuse (clip) (clip)
Views: 5
Purchases: 1
Nancy Pelosi: We Cannot Keep Our Promises on Medicare Unless We Cut Out the Waste, Fraud, and Abuse (clip)
02/25/2010: Nancy Pelosi: We Cannot Keep Our Promises on Medicare Unless We Cut Out the Waste, Fraud, and Abuse (clip)
Views: 5,635
Purchases: 3
Nancy Pelosi: We Cannot Keep Our Promises on Medicare Unless We Cut Out the Waste, Fraud, and Abuse
02/25/2010: Nancy Pelosi: We Cannot Keep Our Promises on Medicare Unless We Cut Out the Waste, Fraud, and Abuse
Views: 1
Purchases: 0
Nancy Pelosi: We Cannot Keep Our Promises on Medicare Unless We Cut Out the Waste, Fraud, and Abuse
02/25/2010: Nancy Pelosi: We Cannot Keep Our Promises on Medicare Unless We Cut Out the Waste, Fraud, and Abuse
Views: 275
Purchases: 1
Schumer: ‘If We Going to Eliminate the Waste, Fraud and Abuse in Medicare, It Does Mean We’re Going to Cut Some of that Out’
02/25/2010: Schumer: ‘If We Going to Eliminate the Waste, Fraud and Abuse in Medicare, It Does Mean We’re Going to Cut Some of that Out’
Views: 434
Purchases: 3
Nancy Pelosi: We Cannot Keep Our Promises on Medicare Unless We Cut Out the Waste, Fraud, and Abuse
02/25/2010: Nancy Pelosi: We Cannot Keep Our Promises on Medicare Unless We Cut Out the Waste, Fraud, and Abuse
Views: 9
Purchases: 0
Schumer: ‘If We Going to Eliminate the Waste, Fraud and Abuse in Medicare, It Does Mean We’re Going to Cut Some of that Out’
02/25/2010: Schumer: ‘If We Going to Eliminate the Waste, Fraud and Abuse in Medicare, It Does Mean We’re Going to Cut Some of that Out’
Views: 8
Purchases: 0