Michael Moore: As ObamaCare Falters, Dems Must Push ‘Free Health Care for All’
HAYES: "That may be true in terms of staking a position, right? But the notion that -- first of all it seems to me there is going to be zero appetite on Capitol Hill among the Republican leadership that's controlling the legislative schedule at this point to do anything having to do with health care in the near future having just put their hand on a stove and come away with burns so bad they're essentially in the E.R. You're talking about advocating a principle, because there's going to be a big fight on tax reform. It's hard for me to imagine that being a legislative reality."
MOORE: "That's why we have to do what they did for seven years under -- throughout all of the Obama -- both of his terms. They have to -- we have to, the Democrats have to as they did 50 or 60 times, put forth their repeal ObamaCare bills, we have to start going in there right now with Medicare for all, single payer and keep every time after time after time --"