Fox News: MS 13 Gang Member, Illegal Charged with Multiple Stabbings, Sexual Assaults
BREAM: “Police in New York saying a suspect in the series of brutal of crimes is a gang member and illegal immigrant who’s been deported four times. Tommy Vladim Alvarado-Ventura is accused of stabbing two women and sexually assaulting a 2-year-old girl. Laura Ingle is outside of police headquarters with more on this. Laura, a shocking story.”
INGLE: “It really is, Shannon. In fact, here at the Nassau County police headquarters, the police commissioner here has said it’s the most heinous criminal act he’s ever seen in his 28 years on the force. The suspect you described is a reported member of the notorious and violent Salvadoran gang MS 13 in addition to being here in the United States illegally. We’ll take another look at him and his mug shot, 31-year-old Tommy Vladim Alvarado-Ventura was known to police for a series of crimes over the years and investigators say he should have never been back in this country.”