Congressman Fallon on Trump’s Tariffs: Canada and Mexico Need the United States Far More than We Need Them
FALLON: "I don’t think Trudeau has any choice, quite frankly, Cheryl. I mean, he’s political dead ap man walking as it is, as you just mentioned. President Trump, do you know what he does? He gets people’s attention when he says 25% tariffs on all imported goods. That that gets their attention. And he will follow through. I don’t think he’ll have to because China — I’m sorry, Canada, it’s Trudeau, so sometimes I’ll say Canada. Canada and Mexico need the United States far more than we need them. And we do have healthy trading relationships with them. We want to continue. I’m not a big fan of tariffs. But if they’re going to allow this kind of mass unlawful migration, then that might have been might have to be a penalty that’s incurred. Again, I don’t think it’ll happen because they will bend to right and bend to president Trump’s will."