Tom Homan on Immigrant Gang Members: ‘There’s Going To Be a Hell of a Lot Less Ankle Monitors, We’re Going to Lock Them Up’

‘We only put ankle monitors on people that we release’


HOMAN: " Of a lot less ankle monitors or we’ll lock them up. We only put ankle monitors on people that we release. There are going to be exceptions, a health issue that we can’t care for them at the time. Number one issue we’re going to end catch and release and it will be a lot less going on and second we are going to enforce the rules of the ankle monitors. If you’re in it country and even if you claim asylum, there are conditions of release, and committing a crime is a violation of those activities and being involved in gang activities is a violation of the conditions. Even if they claim asylum you can lock them back up into detention because they’ve violated the rules of release. There will ab lot tougher issue under the Trump Administration, a lot less released if any. And if you violate conditions of release you’ll be locked up in the next hour or so when we find you. And I’ve had a discussion with mayor Adams and with us shoulder to shoulder, he doesn’t want his officers to be immigration officers, I don’t either, I want him to help us locate public safety threats--"

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