Fmr. Biden Adviser on Harris Campaign Blaming the Media: ‘They Have To Blame Somebody, I Guess’

‘I understand they are in a spot where they have to explain why they lost’

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HAYS: "Yeah, first and foremost, I worked with Jen in the White House and on the campaign in '20, she is extremely smart, she’s a very smart strategist, but I do think they are missing a little bit of the narrative here. She did not do an interview for the first 30-some days, I think that the media latched on to that, and then when they did ask her questions, it was more about why she wasn’t doing the interviews. But that, again, you’re playing into the narrative there, so I do think they missed the mark on this, I do think they could have had more of a local media strategy, they could have had more interviews that they did do. So I don't necessarily think that this blame game is set in the right direction either, but I understand that they are in a spot where they have to explain why they lost, so I understand why they have to blame somebody, I guess."

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