Van Jones: Harris ‘Could Have Stopped with the Elder Abuse’ in the Last Twenty Minutes of the Debate

‘I wish that she had, but she‘s got plenty of time now’


JONES: “Well, she was too busy whooping your boy all over the stage to get to those things. Here's what I think. Kamala Harris did something that no politician has done ever. She didn't just beat him. She humiliated him. She humiliated him. He has been the Pac Man of American politics. He has eaten up, gobbled up politicians, spit them out, went through 16 Republican governors and senators like it was nothing. And even when he does badly, he usually has something he can point to. She whooped him so badly that I think he's literally afraid to come back. And so now, I agree the last 20 minutes, she could have stopped with the elder abuse at that point and then turn more to her program, I wish that she had, but she's got plenty of time now.”


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