Tim Walz Claims ‘You Never See this Guy [Trump] Laugh,’ You Never See These Guys Do Normal Things

‘They just can’t’

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WALZ: “And no one can picture them in their own lives. I brought this thing up the Donald Trump tries to mock vice president Harris for laughing, and I made the point, you never see this guy laughed. You see them do normal things. I go home at night, I pick up the frisbee, my dog catches it and he gets a Belly rub for being a good boy. Victor these guys doing that stuff. They just can’t. We hear where you are coming from. And I made the pitch that I watched that rally in st. Cloud, Minnesota, where he lied about the election and lied about everything. But the thing that I thought was so joyful was Kamala Harris is going to be there to provide reproductive health care to the women were standing behind him.”

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