Pelosi: Women’s Right to Choose Is in Jeopardy Under a ‘Future Presidency of What’s-His-Name’; ‘I Don’t Like to Use His Name’

‘He takes great pride in overturning Roe v. Wade’


PELOSI: “Well, we — thank you for asking that question. As you know, a woman’s right to choose is seriously in jeopardy under the Republicans and under a future presidency of — what’s-his-name? I don’t like to use his name. As he — as he, again, takes great pride in overturning Roe v. Wade. So that is one place where — look, I’m a mother of five, I had five children in six years and one week, and I just really respect women to be able to make their own decision. It’s a matter of respect. And it isn’t a question of whether some Supreme Court Justice approves of that or not, it’s whether the rights of privacy in the Constitution make that available to people and the precedent of the court on it. So this is seriously at risk and it’s one of the issues, gun violence prevention is another, issues that relate to saving the planet are another. Democracy is another.”

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