Steven Hassan Compares MAGA Movement to Chinese Communist Brainwashing
HASSAN: "Mark Burnett, who recruited him for 'The Apprentice,' is part of the Christian dominionism movement that wants to destroy the separation of church and state. Paula White introduced him to New Apostolic Reformation members and other priests who have some 40 million Americans who are following people who claim to be apostles or prophets themselves, Joy, that say God told them that Trump won in 2020, therefore ignore all the evidence because this is Satan and it’s fake news, right? But they’re puppet masters, including, I believe, Vladimir Putin, but also Christian nationalists, Nazis, and other people with agendas to push fossil fuel oils, etc., that are manipulating these true believers. But to answer your question, the critical thing is explaining the influence continuum from ethical to unethical influence, and that ethical influence is informed consent, respecting conscience, and mind control authoritarian cultism creates this dissociative disorder where people are dependent and obedient, they become clones of the cult member. The critical thing with MAGA people is I recommend people talk about Chinese communist brainwashing and these methods, and pimps and traffickers, because they all use behavior control, information control, thought control, and emotional control to create this new pseudo-identity. And by talking about a group they agree is a brainwashing group, we can backtrack and ask people to think back before they started believing in Trump."