Gutfeld: Hillary Clinton’s ‘Get over It’ Comment Once Again Shows How Much She Hates Voters
GUTFELD: “Hillary once again shows how much she hates voters. Right? It's like, 'Get over it.' She thinks they are deplorable, they are stupid, they are as thick as her ankles. And then of course she mentions the crimes and she is basically telegraphing the strategy. The strategy from the beginning was, 'We can get him on just — if we can come up with these crimes, even if they are repetitive and it is really one crime, just say it's 90-whatever, blah, blah, blah, maybe that will affect voters.' I don’t think it is. I think the driving persuasion point for the Democrats will be fear. And it’s going to be, what will happen if Trump wins? Well, we know. He was president. And there is a fear of existential crisis, but it's coming from them. When Trump becomes president, he is not going to do anything to hurt anybody. He is not that kind of guy. But we remember from 2016 what happened in Trump won. You had people attacking the White House. Trump had to go into a bunker, right? They were forming little armies on the street with funny pink hats. If you think that’s bad, wait, if Trump wins. They are going to melt down, especially when you are told that this man is worse than Hitler, so if you stand by and do nothing, right, then you are a collaborator, as judged by history."