S.E. Cupp: Biden Team ‘Right To Be Pissed’ About Special Counsel Hur’s Report

‘It’s really hard to combat it’


CUPP: “Listen, that report was gratuitous. They're right to be pissed, but what do you do now because it's out there? Well, it's out there, and its not the first time, right? It's cementing a narrative that's already out there. Getting mad, sure. I mean, you have a couple of options here. You ignore it. I don't think the country's ignoring it. That poll proves it's on people’s minds. You get angry, you get passionate, you defend yourself, maybe you send your wife out to defend yourself. I'm not actually sure that that was a great thing to do optically. But if politics is perception, this is the perception. It's really hard to combat it. You could tell him, focus on policy. Just talk about the things you've done in the things you're going to do. But this is the big albatross over the Biden campaign at this point.”


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