Sheriff Mark Lamb on Border Crisis: ‘You Need an Actual Military to Stop This Amount of People, This Is an Invasion’

‘That’s exactly what this is’


LAMB: “I got a call on Thanksgiving Day, and imagine, it's gotten a lot worse in December as your numbers is showing, from Border Patrol on Thanksgiving day saying they were outnumbered 200 to 1. I guarantee that's probably closer now to 300 to 400 to 1. Can you imagine being one Border Patrol agent with all these military aged men? You're seeing women here, but in Arizona, what we're typically seeing are military aged men coming from places like Senegal, Chad Mauritania, Egypt, Uzbekistan, you're seeing them from all over the place. And so absolutely, I think our guys are concerned about their health and safety, as are mine. How are we supposed to stop this many people? You need an actual military to stop this amount of people. And this is an invasion, Jackie. That's exactly what this is.”


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