Fox News Guest Claims ‘Pro-Palestinian Rallies’ Are the ‘Same Thing’ as ‘Pro-Hamas’ Gatherings
(Via Mediaite)
GOLDSTEIN: “What we're seeing is the exploitation of a conflict happening thousands of miles away, lead to the rise of hatred, both from the left and from the right, and it's out for you on display in the streets of America. But I want to point out, Martha, something so important. When we see these Nazi rallies, do we call them pro-Palestinian? We don't, right? That would be ridiculous. The white supremacists hate all Semitics. They -- they hate the Muslims, they hate the Arabs, they hate the Jews. But they're exploiting this opportunity to have hate fest rallies. The same thing is happening on the left. And you know, while we have pro-Hamas rallies, some in the mainstream media, obviously not Fox News, but others in the mainstream media, call them pro-Palestinian rallies. And that's simply inaccurate. It's the same thing. They are exploiting a conflict thousands of miles away to spread a hateful ideology and to target Jewish people in the United States. We have to call both of these protests what they are pro-hate.”