Grabien’s Top 15 Posts from 2015
Curious which Grabien clips created the most buzz in 2015? Below we've listed the top 15, ranked by popularity.
15. An exclusive highlight reel featuring exploits from the "journalists" the White House selected to interview President Obama after his 2015 State of the Union address (remember GloZell Green?).
14. Appearing on "The View," Kelly Osbourne attempts to join in on a Donald Trump group beat-down, but accidentally ends up sounding completely racist.
13. In a little-noticed moment from a recent townhall event, Hillary Clinton struggles understanding a young voter, and asks if she can speak more slowly.
12. In the days after an illegal immigrant randomly murdered Kate Steinle in San Francisco, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) called a press conference and said the tragedy creates a "moral responsibility" for Congress to act on ... gun control.
11. In February, Rosie O'Donnell surprised many when she called out Brian Williams for his "blatant ... Lance Armstrong lie."
10. At a June LGBT event at the White House, President Obama got into an awkward, prolonged battle with a very persistent heckler.
9. Conan O'Brien attempts making fun of Donald Trump, only for his audience to boo him.
8. In a heated moment from Donald Trump's campaign, Univision's Jorge Ramos's interjects during a press conference, only for Trump to have security toss him out.
7. In a preview of President Obama's 2015 State of the Union, we compiled 112 earlier SOTU promises the president had yet to fulfill.
6. At a White House health care event in March, an emcee introduced the president to the awaiting crowd, encouraging everyone to give Obama a big round of applause -- only for Obama to not walk onto stage for another eight minutes.
5. After the San Bernardino terrorist attack, Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) implausibly argued that "gun laws work, we've proven it in California."
4. While giving a long-winded answer during a question-and-answer session in April, President Obama's 6th-grade interviewer cut the president off, telling him "I think you've sort of covered everything on that."
3. Only hours after the mass shooting in Oregon, President Obama called a press conference -- wherein he referred to himself 28 times in just 12 minutes.
2. Along the same lines: In India this year, President Obama somehow referred to himself 118 times in a 33-minute speech.
1. The most popular clip in 2015 is a total head-scratcher. Clocking in at just 10 seconds, we frankly have no idea how this one went viral, but viral it went. Please enjoy Megyn Kelly mocking professor who want to ban the American flag.
Interested in seeing all of this year's clips, ranked? Go here.