MSNBC’s Reid and Velshi Discuss ‘Climate Change’ and Migration: ‘It Will Actually Be the Single Biggest Cause of Migration’

‘That’s going to be the major cause for migration around the world and here in America’


REID: "When Katrina happened, people moved, they went to Houston. Some of them did not go back. We’re not saying that’s going to happen now, but the reality is that humans, we are literally running from what the climate — from the climate change that we’re pretending isn’t happening, but we're physically being moved around the Earth because of it."
VELSHI: "It will actually be the single biggest cause of migration. We typically think of migration being caused by conflict and wars and things like that in Syria and Ukraine. That's not going to be what it is. It’s actually going to be migration because people can’t move. Generally speaking, prosperous people can move first because they can afford to, but eventually when the grain stops growing or the fields keep flooding, the poor people move too. We're going to have to come to terms of the fact that that’s going to be the major cause for migration around the world and here in America. It is really hard to live in places that get hit by tornadoes and get hit by hurricanes on an ongoing basis. You can’t make a living out of it. So, that’s a really, really important and necessary consideration."

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