CNBC’s Kernen to Buttigieg: You’re Celebrating the Inflation Act on a Day We Had 40-Year Highs

‘You deliberately and some people would say erroneously named it the Inflation Reduction Act’

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KERNEN: “It wasn’t named the Climate Act. You deliberately, and some people would say erroneously, named it the Inflation Reduction Act. You’re celebrating it on the day when, again, we had 40-year highs in inflation. You know how that affects people on the low end of things. It’s like the most insidious problem that an economy can face. And just celebrating on that day, it just — “
BUTTIGIEG: “The worst thing about inflation is it means people are paying too much for things, by definition. And what this bill does is it allows people o pay less for things, pay less for energy, paying less for these home retrofits, paying less for prescription drugs, paying less for insulin if you’re on Medicare. 

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