Fox News: Inflation Top Issue for Voters Ahead of Midterms
LAWRENCE: “Hey Martha. You touched on it, the Fox News polling shows that inflation will be an indicator of how the midterm elections could go, it will be a big part of that midterm elections in the voting. If you look at that Fox News polling, the polling asked registered voters if the Biden Administration has been competent and effective in managing the government. 52 percent now say no. Only 38 percent say yes. So let’s dig deeper into that number. Look at the economy. Our poll numbers on the President’s handling of inflation abysmal. 29 percent approve. 65 percent disapprove. Look at the economy, 38 percent approve. More than half of registered voters disapprove of the President’s job performance on energy and climate change. Now, this poll was taken before that celebration this week over the Inflation Reduction Act. On the same day the new inflation numbers show a near 40-year high and core inflation increasing for the first time in five months.”
(via Fox News)