James Corden on Roe vs. Wade: ‘This Is the Biggest Rollback of Human Rights in Modern U.S. History’
‘This news is stunning and sad and it’s terrifying in its future implications for basic rights ... devastating overthrow of human rights’
CORDEN: "Today in America in the year 2022, five judges, who according to polls on this subject don't seem to reflect the feeling of this nation are about to roll away the reproductive rights of over 50 percent of the population. And it's -- it's mystifying. It's baffling. You know, for the for the past two years, we've seen people crying out for medical autonomy, you know, from pushback to pushback on like mask mandates to anti-vaccination protests. And yet, now some of the most vocal opponents of government interference in medical care are supporting a decision that says your body, my choice. And make no mistake, this is the biggest rollback of human rights in modern U.S. history.”
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