Biden on SCOTUS: ‘If This Decision Holds, It’s Really Quite a Radical Decision’
‘Does this mean in Florida they can decide they’re going to pass a law saying that same-sex marriage is not permissible?’
BIDEN: "I’m not prepared to make those judgments now. But, you know, I think the codification of Roe makes a lot of sense. Look, think what Roe says. Roe says what all basic mainstream religions have historically concluded, that the existence of a human life and being is a question. Is it at the moment of conception? Is it six months? Is it six weeks? Is it quickening like Aquinas argued? So, the idea that we’re going to make a judgment that is going to say that no one can make the judgment to choose to abort a child based on a decision by the Supreme Court, I think it goes way overboard."
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